Remote Training

Time to take your training to the next level…

“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their growth.”

– John Whitmore

Remote Training

Remote training is used to assist riders in reaching their goals from a distance. Training does not have to be difficult. LivStrong Training eliminates uncertainty and allows athletes to concentrate on their efforts. Remote training is now more similar to being in person than ever before, thanks to current technology. LivStrong Training uses video calls and a top fitness app to deliver workouts and coaching.

This is a customized training program designed to assist you in achieving your goals. The program operates on a monthly subscription basis and includes the following:


-Personalized plan

-Bike Workouts

-Off-of-the-bike workouts

-Goal setting

-Video Calls

-Raceday feedback

The gold plan is the best choice if you need a comprehensive training program that covers everything. Olivia will design a program for you that includes gym workouts, sprints, track work, and weekly calls. The schedule will be customized to fit your specific needs.


-Personalized plan

-Gym, track workouts, sprints

-Goal setting

-Check-in calls as needed (Weekly/by weekly)

-Raceday feedback

The bronze plan is for riders who already have one of the main parts of training taken care of. Usually, this means the athlete already goes to a gym for weight training and just needs training specifically for cycling.


-Personalized plan

-Track workouts, sprints

-Goal setting (yearly, pre-race)

Let’s work together.

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and Olivia will reach out!